Pour, Don't store

That ‘what’ is self and knowing it requires deep surrender and letting go of ego or ‘I’.
Vedanta is a combination of two words ‘Veda’ and ‘anta’, it means ‘the end of knowledge’. The knowledge which brings an end to the quest for knowledge-that knowledge which encompasses all knowledge.
To attain its grace, one has to detach from the idea of duality which means that one must be just the medium of action, not the source of it. Let love flow, kindness flow, knowledge flow and manifestation flow through you effortlessly. Holding on to the feeling that ‘this is happening because of me’ or ‘I did this’ brings pride and pain. How much can you source from your limited capabilities? Connect to the unlimited source for constant and uninterrupted flow of bliss.
There was a time when I would have sleepless nights thinking about the chaos in the world wondering what was the reason of this ignorance and what can I do to create a happier world. I also remember once when I was a radio broadcaster, on the way to the studio I heard the news about a plane crash that killed all 240 people on board. How much I cried while driving, just thinking about the families that were left behind to deal with this shock. A friend going through bouts of pride and ignorance made me feel completely helpless. 'How can she not see what she is doing? What can I say to stop her?' I would think to myself in vain. Often, compelled by an impending need to prioritise fact over friendship, I would have an honest conversation and most of the times, it did not go well. I have in my lifetime made some wonderful lifelong friends but I have also drifted away from some beautiful friendships too. Was I wrong in getting so involved? Years back, my intellect would have said a big no and defended the action by saying that I am an emotional and expressive person and nothing wrong in feeling things.
Today, my wisdom tells me that it was not right to be so involved. Be attached with detachment. 'What?' is that even possible? Yes, with Vedanta as your guru, it is possible.
With time I have realised that chaos, confusion, sadness, pride, arrogance; each has a part to play in an individuals own karmic journey. By attaching my pain to theirs, I dis-empower them and doubt the universal plan which only works on spiritual evolution.
We must feel for others, send healing prayers that may their soul hear the lesson planned for their growth, shower compassion and understanding, offer kindness and love but not be involved in their individual journey. In reality, we all are one and by giving the one who is struggling love, you open doors for them to experience self love. This comes by staying established in the thought that all is happening through us, not because of us.
Ekta Bajaj